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Schwarzenegger vows to fight Satan, repeal evil
Published on December 30, 2003 By Poi Dog In Current Events

I know I'm not the only one thinking it: God has come to Judge California. What seems like a war-zone already, Los Angeles is about to meet its Maker.

Consider the trumpets that have blown already:

(1) San Bernadino, suburbs of Los Angeles, and a LOT of San Diego have gone up in flames. I know, I've witnessed it, as well as the sun being blocked out of the sky due to thousands of tons of ash floating through the atmosphere.

(2) There was an earthquake in Central California, on the coast, and it registered something almost equivalent to Iran's tragic shocks. Thank goodness those smarmy Californians can afford solid housing, or they might have ended up like our poor Iranian brothers and sisters.

(3) Schwarzenegger was elected Governor. Yes, an Austrian bodybuilder known almost exclusively for brandishing broadswords and machine guns, with half-chewed cigar stogie in mouth, was put in charge of one of the largest economies in the WORLD. He repealed the crazy car tax (after I paid for it, mind you), just so that he could make drastic cuts to 'liberal' programs, but in order to free up necessary money to pay the police, of which a couple have been caught beating up minorities on video (see: Rodney King, and that youth at the gas station), and firefighters (see: getting ass kicked by huge fire because they didn't have enough resources). Whatever I write here, in all seriousness, the police and firefighters need a desperate raise. Arnold simply gave them their money back, and not a raise.

(4) California is in a terrible fiscal crisis, and meanwhile the state ponders giving illegal immigrants rights to possess driver licences. That makes a lot of sense. Next thing you know, they'll want to grant insurance, too.

(5) Due to old charred forests from LAST year, a short downpour created a deadly mudslide which buried something like 15 people attending a Christmas ceremony in the woods. I think 9 of those were children, including a 3-month-old. The area is expecting more rain.

(6) A freak blizzard blew in the north part of the state, and stranded people on the roads without water, food, or heat. Truckers who have driven interstate 5 for decades have never seen anything like it.

(7) To be determined by God. Possibilities include: Tsunamis, Seven-Headed Dragons, a plague of immigrants, the Colorado river turns to blood, but there isn't enough to pump anyway, bad surfing conditions, the four horsemen of the border patrol, not enough parking at the mall, and cheap housing.
on Dec 30, 2003
I just wanted to point out that immigrants, illegal or otherwise, are still human beings and the fact that you refer to them as a plague seems a bit ignorant or at least insensitive. Just a thought, are you American Indian? If not then your ancestors were also immigrants and maybe even at one time considered a "plague". Maybe what you were trying to say that the steady stream of people coming here from other countries to attempt to improve their way of life (which is one of the ideas that this "great" country was founded on) are a burden to the already imense and growing population. Which could be true but you can't blame people for wanting to raise their quality of life. Wouldn't you do the same? Look at our current situation in California, I imagine there are many people considering moving out of state or maybe even out of the country to improve their way of life because as you have just pointed out things are not so perfect here. Imagine these these Californians or US citizens being treated as a "plague" for looking for a better life elsewhere.
on Dec 30, 2003
Ahhhnold says Play vis mein venier unt smoke mein pot, eighties crasy time.
on Dec 31, 2003
I lived in San Diego for many years and about 30 years ago Southern California was on fire. It's a natural cycle. They said they had never seen a drought like the one we had. I remember the ground at school was like chapped skin because all the ater had been sucked out of the first 4" of earth. People weren't even allowed to water their lawns and this was over 30 years ago.

I have seen the earth move the sidewalks and knock down buildings. Let's not forget the San Andreas Fault. A major player in the shifting plates of the earth. Let us not forget the doom sayers who said the end was coming neigh in the days of the plagues or in San Fransisco when an earthquake raptured the city in flames over 100 years ago.

I have to agree with you on the Arnold. I have often said that Southern California is the Pompee of Rome.

Believe me when I tell you just about every state is overrun with immigrants. Up here it is the Hispanics and the Russians. In Florida it is Cubans.

1974 My father, grandpa, brother and I went fishing at a lake by Placerville(Northern California). It was june and near 80 degrees that day. In the middle of the night it dropped to 27 degrees and let out a furry of snow like you wouldn't believe. We went into town for breakfast and I remember the townsfolk saying they had never seen anything like that in June. It happens we can find signs in everything if we believe. The doomsayers have always said the end was near. It is not GOD who will destroy us. It will be ourselves.

I won't even touch the last paragraph ~chuckles~ And all things will be determined by GOD ~grins~
on Dec 31, 2003
I'd rather four headed dragons than "human beings with feelings who come to this great country and do nothing but bitch about it"...We all have feelings, even 'evil' people who hurt other people..And yes, we were a plague to the Native Americans. We brought diseases they've never known. We also slaughtered them and treated them awfully for a very long time. Imagine what we could do to immigrants if we didn't have some restraint. Let the dragons eat the bleeding hearts, first. They find anything to stick up for, even if it is 'grass killing'. Bleh..But back to the post.

I particularly enjoyed the last paragraph.